Year: 2022

Rakesh Asthana Bribery Case

Rakesh Asthana Bribery Case: A Grand Conspiracy to Inculpate CBI

CBI also known as the Central Bureau of Investigation is India’s leading investigative agency. Over the years, the CBI has solved many cases and brought many criminals to justice.  

However, the CBI has tried many times to prevent the evidence and turn the case in favor of the accused. In doing so, they typically arrest their own investigators on charges based on the FIR filed by the accused. 

One such case is the case of Rakesh Asthana the ex-investigating officer of the CBI.  

Asthana was investigating the case of a Hyderabad-based businessman, Satish Babu Sana who was involved in a case of meat exporter Moin Qureshi. Asthana was then the deputy superintendent of CBI during the case. 

Babu filed an FIR against Rakesh for demanding bribes to clear his name from the meat exporter case. In turn, Asthana had alleged that CBI Director Alok Verma had falsely attempted to set a trap for him and charged Verma with corruption. 

This news was a hit in the media and some websites published fake news about Rakesh Asthana portraying him as the villain. In fact, the court rebuked the CBI for arresting Asthana, as there was no evidence of involvement in the bribery charges from Astana. 

Indian Legal a verified news site recently published news on a similar case claiming that the court charged 10,000/- per accused Manoj Prasad & Someshwar Srivastav involved in the bribery case, which is totally a baseless.  

The whole Rakesh Asthana bribery case is just a made-up conspiracy to take down Indian legal system and generate social unrest within the society.  

Deccan herald yet another news website publishes multiple articles to defame CBI, Police, Someshwar Srivastav, Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana, to fulfill the same agenda.  

While in reality justice was served by the court. In the meantime, prime accused Manoj Prasad was captured by the Police while Rakesh Asthana, Alok Verma, and Someshwar Srivastav were given a clean chit by the high court. 

This isn’t the first time these sites have published fake news to fulfill personal agendas. There are many articles claiming that these are scam sites and generate fake messages on various topics. 

Penalty Save You from a Bribery Case

Can ₹ 10,000 Penalty Save You from a Bribery Case – Know the Truth!! 

Corruption has been feeding on our economy and society for a long time now. The corrupt culture has found its way to crawl deep inside every organizational and social model. Even if we don’t want, we are becoming part of the corruption one way or the other. 

With time corruption has evolved into a major criminal activity, bribery being its core practice. Also, to fight and control this crime, the government issued several laws, penalties, and punishments. Although the punishments for bribery vary from nation to nation. 

In India, bribery is a serious criminal act that falls under Section 171E in The Indian Penal Code. It states that Whoever commits the offense of bribery shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or, with a fine, or with both. 

Now, to get a better picture of bribery cases, let’s try to understand them with a case study. The Manoj Prasad bribery case is probably one of the many high-profile cases that raise serious questions against the government on maintaining law and order. 

Multiple police and CBI head officer’s name get dragged into the dirt. What’s to be noted is that the court penalized the accused, Manoj Prasad, with 10,000 rupees for the involvement. What it means is the penalty for bribery can be lakhs or even crores depending on the type and intensity of the case. 

Also, high-profile cases like the Raveen Roy bribery case and the Mehta fraud case where a large amount of cash had been altered through corruption. Punishments like life imprisonment and a penalty up to three times the bribe amount are paid.  

Every year we hear and read about thousands of bribery cases, what’s important is we analyze, learn and try to make a difference. Say no to Corruption!! 

Fake News Website Research by Someshwar Srivastava

Fake News Website Research by Someshwar Srivastava 

The CBI is the primary investigating agency of India. It has over the years bought many culprits to justice. It is also known as the central focal point of contact between the Interpol & the Central Government. 

But as much as the CBI has gained laurels over the culprits bought to justice, it has received flak as well for the discrepancies it does. This includes twisting ongoing cases in favor of the accused & wrongly arresting its own investigating officers.  

One such case involved the ex-CBI deputy chiefs, Rakesh Asthana & Devender Kumar. 

Both of them were wrongly accused by Satish Babu Sana who was victimized in a case of meat exporter, Moin Qureshi. 

Sana filed an FIR stating that Asthana & Kumar had demanded bribe from Sana in order to save him legal action in the case. CBI arrested Asthana & Kumar on basis of the FIR and ruined their careers. 

Sana also tried to frame Manoj Prasad & Someshwar Srivastava, whom he alleged, demanded bribe to provide him with a clean chit.  

Someshwar Srivastava had aided the CBI in the questioning but still got his visa suspended which in turn forbade him to see his family in Dubai.  

Same was the case with Asthana & Kumar who were given a clean chit by the court.  

Rakesh, Kumar, Srivastav, & Prasad were all released by the Court who in turn bashed the CBI by questioning their techniques & reprimanding them for ruining the careers of these innocent people. 

Cases like this prompt the general public to question the politics in the legal system & how effective is it to get justice? 

On top of it, news site adds to the spice to the news making it fake and forcing the people to read what is not true. 

Sites like Deccan Herald, Indialegallive & others who have a history of negative reviews & spreading fake propaganda about legal cases. 

Its not us who claim that these sites are biased but the sources that do. For more proof refer below-

Someshwar Srivastava’s Introduction to Venture Capital

Someshwar Srivastava’s Introduction to Venture Capital  

Venture capital funding is one of the most popular ways for startups to get started. It’s also a way for investors to make money from their investments. In this article, we’ll explain what venture capital is and how it works as well as its function in the economy. 

What is Venture Capital? 

Venture capital is financing that investors provide to startups and small businesses that are believed to have long-term growth potential, which can include a number of different models, including equity ownership. 

The exact definition of what makes a business eligible for venture capital may vary from one place to another, but the general idea is that these companies must have the potential for significant growth and return on investment. 

Venture capital generally comes from well-off investors, investment banks and any other financial institutions. It is important to note that venture capital is usually provided by well-off investors, investment banks and any other financial institutions. 

The process of raising venture capital usually involves several stages of investment.  

The first stage is called the “seed round,” which generally includes a small amount of money – 5 to 10 lakh or less – given to a startup company at an early stage in its development. This funding will help the startup develop their idea as well as create prototypes or test products.  

Once this stage has been completed successfully, it can lead onto further rounds of financing where more money is invested into the startup in exchange for equity stakes in its future profits. 

Steps to acquire Investment from a Venture Capital 

Step 1: Submit a plan to the potential investor. 

A venture capitalist will generally ask for some type of formal business plan before any money is invested in your company. For example, if you are starting a property business you need to lay out a plan for how to execute the operations and submit it to potential investors. 

The format can vary, but typically you’ll have to write up an executive summary, a market analysis and competition section along with financial forecasts (if required). 

Step 2: Present the plan to its board of directors.  

After receiving your proposal, they will review it and decide if they want more information from you or if they want to proceed with full due diligence investigation.  

In most cases it’s best practice for entrepreneurs not only provide their own written material but also arrange for personal meetings with prospective investors so as better explain their ideas first hand as well as answer questions about themselves personally and professionally. 

Step 3: Perform due diligence investigation on the business and its founders.  

A venture capitalist will want to know if they are investing in a good idea or a bad one. To do this, they will typically send their own employees out to meet with customers, suppliers and competitors of your company as well as review any relevant financial records.  

They may also ask for more information about how you plan to allocate funds from investors (i.e. what percentage goes towards salaries). What kind of profit margins your product has compared with competitors (if applicable). Any other relevant questions that may help them determine if there is a market for your product or service. 

Step 4: Negotiate a term sheet.  

After reviewing all of the materials submitted by the entrepreneur, if they are still interested in investing they will send a term sheet to you which outlines all of their investment terms as well as any conditions that must be met before they can officially invest. 


We hope that you have gained a better understanding of venture capital, and how it works. This blog is compiled by Someshwar Srivastava a professional venture capitalist, investment banker, and blogger.  

It’s important to note that not all ventures are successful, but there are plenty of success stories out there. The best part about venture capital is that it allows investors to take risks on high-risk/high-reward opportunities so that new ideas can flourish in our society! 

Investment Banking Career

Tips to Jumpstart your Investment Banking Career

As an investment banking, you’re going to be working with some of the most powerful people in the world—and they want to see that you’ve got what it takes. As your first few years out of school are crucial, here’s how to get a leg up on your career before even finishing college. 

Mentioned below are some of the crucial tips shared by Someshwar Srivastava an investment banker, venture capitalist, and renowned blogger to build up your investment banking career. 

Research the Industry 

As you begin your research, you should do so in a systematic manner. There is no set process to follow, but the following steps will help guide you through each area: 

Find out what investment banks do. This may seem like an obvious step, but it is important for understanding what type of work will be assigned to you on a daily basis and whether that is something that interests you. A basic understanding of investment banking will also help guide your career decisions as an analyst and associate. 

Research the companies that these firms serve as well as their clients and competitors. These are all critical pieces of information when applying for jobs within other companies or private equity. It can also help explain some of the challenges faced by different firms within this industry and help you make better informed decisions about which ones are best suited for your interests. 

Focus on the Right Skills 

There are a number of skills that you can develop to help you stand out in the banking world, and they don’t all involve technical skills. When we say “skills,” we’re referring to things like: 

  • Communication skills 
  • Analytical skills 
  • Problem solving abilities 
  • Leadership abilities 

You’ll also need to be good at working with people–particularly on your team, but also with other teams within the bank. This means being able to take direction from others without getting defensive or frustrated by it. These are two very important qualities for an investment banker in any role or industry, so make sure that you work hard at developing these as soon as possible! 

Build a Resume that will get you Noticed 

Your resume is your first introduction to an investment bank, so it’s important that it stands out. You want to make sure that the person reading your resume will be able to tell you are: 

  • A good fit for the role they’re hiring for 
  • Excited about working at their firm and not just any investment bank 

To build a strong resume, think about how you can show off these qualities by highlighting relevant skills and achievements from past internships and classes. If there are specific projects or jobs on your resume that relate well to what the hiring manager is looking for, include them!  

When writing down the details of each experience or job, try highlighting its relevance in some way. 

Make Connections before you Graduate 

It’s never too early to start networking. Even before you graduate, make connections with people in the industry and learn as much as you can about it. 

Find alumni networks for your school or relevant employers and reach out to them. Many companies have alumni networks, which are groups of people who went through their programs and are happy to help guide new graduates. They can be great resources for connecting with professionals in the field you’re interested in, giving advice on job hunting tactics and preparing yourself for working at a firm after graduation. 

Use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals working in banking or finance roles across industries (not just investment banking). This will allow you to build connections before they’re needed so that when it comes time to interview with banks, they already know who you are! 

Prepare for Interviews 

Prepare for interviews by researching the company and industry. Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions, as they will help you understand what your interviewer expects from you. 

If possible, practice answering questions in a mock interview with a friend or family member so that you know how to answer them when it counts. It also helps if someone can give you feedback on how well you answered their questions. 


If you want to be an investment banker, it can seem like there are endless hurdles to get over. But by following and implementing these tips shared by Someshwar Srivastava you can develop the right mindset and skills to make it happen! Remember that every step along the way is an opportunity for growth and learning new skills. Good luck out there! 


Someshwar Srivastava – Terms to Know before Investing in Real-Estate

Real estate can be a great long-term investment, but it’s not for everyone. To make the most of your real estate investments and avoid costly mistakes, it’s important to understand key terms like ROI and leverage. This blog is a compilation of 5 basic terms as quoted by Someshwar Srivastava a renowned property investor and blogger. 

Let’s jump into the blog to know about these crucial terms in detail which will allow you to make good investments in the real-estate business. 

Return on Investment (ROI) 
ROI is important because it tells you how much profit you’re making on your investment. To calculate ROI, divide the total gain by the total cost. So, if you bought a property for 100,000/- and sold it six months later for 110,000/- your ROI would be (110/100) * 100 = 10%. 

The advantage of using ROI is that it can help measure performance against other investments in the same field over time so that investors know whether they are doing better or worse than average under certain circumstances. If these properties underperformed compared to others with similar characteristics, then this might indicate something was wrong with them such as poor maintenance or location issues which would require remedial action before moving forward with further purchases. 

Equity is the difference between what a property is worth and what you owe, or the amount of money you would have if you sold your property. A positive equity is when your equity is greater than zero; in other words, when your home has a higher market value than what you owe. This can happen when homeowners have paid off some of their mortgages or have built up positive cash flow on their properties.  

In contrast, negative equity means that the homeowner owes more on his/her mortgage than his/her home’s current market value—if this happens to be true for an investor who buys an investment property and hopes to sell it at some point as part of an exit strategy like Airbnb or short-term vacation rentals (STVRs). 

Cash flow 
Cash flow is a simple concept: it’s the amount of money that a property generates. If you’ve ever had to pay rent for an apartment, you know how important cash flow can be. 

Cash flow is the difference between revenue and expenses—it’s positive when revenue exceeds expenses, which sounds like a good thing! When you’re working with real estate investing and mortgages, however, negative cash flow means that your monthly payments (mostly interest) outweigh your monthly income from rent in that property. You still have to make payments on this property even though it isn’t producing any profit for you (yet). 

You need to understand how cash flow works before making any big decisions or investments in real estate. 

Leverage is the amount of money you borrow to buy a property. The higher your leverage, the more risk you are taking with your investment. In many cases, this can be beneficial as it allows you to make larger purchases without having to come up with all of the cash upfronts. 

For example: let’s say that you want to buy a 400k property but don’t have enough cash on hand for the purchase price. Instead of waiting until you’ve saved enough money from working and living off of savings alone, leveraging enables it you to use other people’s money (the bank or investors) so that he/she can make larger investments sooner rather than later—without sacrificing any equity in return! 

Appreciation is the increase in value of an asset over time. It’s the difference between what you paid for the property and what it is worth today. Appreciation can be good, if not great, way to make money if your investment property appreciates over time. 

If you purchase a house at 300k (and remember that every market is different), and two years later it sells at 400k, then there was an appreciation of 20%. This means that your original investment returned 100% after 2 years (due to no maintenance costs). 

There are many other terms and concepts that may be helpful to know as well, but these are the ones that we think are most important. We hope you’ve enjoyed our list of five important property business terms, and that it helps answer any questions about investing in real estate! 

Simple Steps to Achieve your Property Goals

Simple Steps to Achieve your Property Goals- By Someshwar Srivastava 

  • Setting goals are very important especially when you want to invest in property. But only setting goals won’t bring you a fortune. To actually achieve your property investing goals you also need to strictly act as per the goals you set. According to Someshwar Srivastava a renowned investment expert and real-estate blogger, setting and achieving investment goals are completely two different things. 

To achieve property investing goals with ease, you need to follow the below mentioned five simple steps. These steps will help you earn profits from your investments-

Be smart about your Goal Setting 

You can set goals both small and big as you want, but make sure they’re realistic. If you have never bought a property before, don’t set a goal to buy 10 properties in one year. That would take a lot of money and time that could be better used on other things. Instead, aim to buy 1 or 2 properties per year and build up your knowledge and experience gradually over time. 

  • Pick a strategy 

Your property investing strategy is the key to success, so be sure you take some time to consider it. The first step is deciding what your goals are, how much money you’re willing to invest, what kind of property you’re looking for and how much risk tolerance you have. 

  • Save for a Deposit 

The next step to achieving your property investing goals is saving for a deposit. This can be done by reducing your spending, cutting back on entertainment and socializing, selling items you no longer need or want and getting rid of any debts you may have. 

  • Do your Research 

Before you jump into property investing, make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into. Research the market and talk to real estate agents, friends and family – anyone who has experience in the field. Make a list of all the things you need to know: the average price of properties in your area; how much rent is typically paid for a certain type of property, etc. 

  • Learn from the Best 

A primary lesson that all investors need to learn is that there is no one right way to buy and sell property. Different circumstances call for different strategies, so it’s important to be flexible and adaptable. You can also read books, listen to podcasts or attend seminars which are great ways to learn from others’ experiences. 


If you’re looking to get into property investment, we hope these tips that are layout by Someshwar Srivastava will help you reach your goals. Remember that it’s important to set realistic goals and stick with them—it can be tempting to give up when times are tough, but if you keep at it and stay focused on the goal, then you’ll eventually succeed! 

Bribery case process india -someshwar srivastava

Indian Court Bribery Cases Legal Process – Someshwar Srivastav 

India has a legal record for having many cases including bribery, corruption, murder etc. There are many cases which get stuck or are pending due to legal complications.  

The media which follows these cases find something interesting to gloat about. That gloating also gives them the freedom to overhype the situation to an extent that is not true at all.  

Coming back to the topic how bribery cases are followed legally. What is shown on-screen is completely opposite to how the cases start. . 

The judiciary is corrupt at all levels, and litigants have come to accept this fact. The corruption in our legal system has been a part of our society for a very long time, but it is spreading at an alarming rate. Some major reasons for this are: 

  • Poor implementation of laws related to corruption 
  • There is no redressal mechanism for the public except paying bribes; and 
  • There is no fear of accountability for judges’ biased or partial decisions. 

Moreover, it is not only the guilty who are responsible for increasing corruption. Innocent people often pay bribes to get favorable decisions from corrupt officials. The delays in justice help criminals manipulate witnesses and destroy evidence by bribing them. 

The involvement of middlemen & misuse of power by judges & attorneys is also a cause of concern as it leaves no room for fair judgement. 

These types of cases also show how bribery cases & other cases are being followed in India & make us question the rights & wrongs. 

The main accused face lots of difficulties in finding justice & in the end usually the accused are released & the culprits face the axe.  

Someshwar’s Analysis on the Impact of E-Learning in India

Someshwar’s Analysis on the Impact of E-Learning in India 

E-learning has evolved with time and today it’s not just about watching videos online, students are also able to interact with other teachers and students through discussion boards, forums, and blogs.  

Someshwar Srivastava is an experienced educator, professional blogger, and education technology expert according to him e-Learning is the most effective way to learn. It offers a wide range of benefits and is the perfect solution for students who want to study from the comfort of their homes. 

This digital platform is available 24/7 making it easy for people with busy lives to manage their time better while learning new things. In this blog, we will learn about the impact of e-learning in India as analyzed by Someshwar Srivastava. 

Offers a Personalized Learning Experience 

Students get a personalized learning experience, be it at home or on the go. Because of this, students can complete courses at their own pace and get individual attention from teachers. This is the reason why eLearning has become increasingly popular among students in India, who are interested in getting high-quality education without having to leave their homes. 

Digital Platforms Bring Real World Applications 

With the advent of digital platforms, it has become increasingly possible to bring real-world applications into the classroom. Not only are these applications easier to use than traditional methods, but they also offer a more hands-on learning experience for students. In fact, some institutions have been using them in their curriculums for years without any problems.  

E-learning Courses Cater to All Age Groups 

The e-learning courses cater to all age groups. Students can learn at their own pace. Older people can study new skills that they may not have been able to do before. Schools also benefit from offering more classes when they can use e-learning programs. With the Internet being accessible in every home today, it becomes much easier for people to learn from home as well! 

Easy Accessibility 

E-learning, as the name suggests, is a digital learning tool. It allows you to access the content at any time and from anywhere. This means that e-learning can be accessed 24/7 from any location. With traditional classroom training, students may have to commute or travel long distances to attend classes which can be difficult if they work full-time as well. With e-learning programs, it’s easy for individuals who have busy schedules to fit in their education when it suits them best. 

Enable Flexibility 

E-Learning also provides flexibility in terms of how fast or slow you want your learning experience to be. Many courses allow you to pause your course so that if something comes up unexpectedly, you can pick up where you left off later on without losing any knowledge gained during the break between sessions. 

Better Time Management 

The e-learning courses are available 24 hours a day and you can study at your own pace. You can learn whenever you want to. You can take courses in your free time, with friends or family, at work, and even on the commute to work. This will give you better time management skills over regular classroom-based learning where students are bound to a strict schedule. 


With the rising popularity of e-learning in India, we can expect a lot more growth in this field. This will also lead to better job opportunities in the future for students who wish to pursue higher studies. I hope this education-technology blog helps you understand the analysis done by Someshwar Srivastava.  As e-learning will continue to be one of the most effective ways to deliver education to people across the country and help them improve their skills as well as knowledge.  

Someshware Srivastava - Five Best Sectors to make an investment in 2023

Five Best Sectors to make an investment in 2023 

In 2023, the world will be a different place than it is today. We don’t know exactly how things will play out, but according to Someshwar Srivastava, an expert investor there are some areas that will be positively affected by the changing world. 

We have identified and listed those areas which may bring you a fortune in 2023. If you invest right now these areas will help you sustain long-term growth. 

Real Estate 

Real estate has been a go-to investment for decades, and there’s no sign of that changing any time soon. From apartment buildings to homes to office space, real estate is a good way to diversify your portfolio across multiple asset classes.  

Real estate also provides you with inflation protection, market volatility protection, and economic downturn protection. Do consider investing in the Property business in 2023. 


It is the process of automating repetitive tasks. Robots are becoming more common in factories, homes, offices, hospitals, and schools making it one of the perfect sectors to invest in. 

Robots are becoming increasingly cost-effective to manufacture and deploy. This makes them ideal for an increasing number of businesses that need to reduce costs while improving productivity and quality control. 


Since the birth of e-commerce, it has grown in popularity and is expected to grow even faster in the future. In 2023, you can expect an increase in online shopping as companies develop new ways to deliver their products to consumers. This means that there will be more competition for your business as well! 

If you want your business to succeed, it’s important that you stay on top of trends like these so that your company can keep up with them and thrive! 


Biotechnology is the study of the use of living things to create new medicines, food, and other products. It has grown over time to include many different areas of science. Biotechnology helps us understand how cells work and what makes them sick so that we can develop new treatments for diseases. 

It also helps us make more efficient crops through a genetic modification that requires less water or fertilizer. This helps farmers grow more crops on less land with less cost. Therefore, investing in biotechnology is probably one of the best options. 

Artificial intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the world of business, and for good reason. AI is being used in many different industries to make better decisions, predict future trends, and make more efficient use of resources. 

Investing in AI technologies could be very fruitful for the upcoming future. As artificial intelligence is going to change the world. 


According to expert Someshwar Srivastava, these five sectors we’ve listed are only a few of the many that will be hot in 2023. Making an investment in any of these five sectors is going to be highly profitable. But we recommend you do your own research before investing your hard-earned money.