Tips to Jumpstart your Investment Banking Career

Investment Banking Career

Tips to Jumpstart your Investment Banking Career

As an investment banking, you’re going to be working with some of the most powerful people in the world—and they want to see that you’ve got what it takes. As your first few years out of school are crucial, here’s how to get a leg up on your career before even finishing college. 

Mentioned below are some of the crucial tips shared by Someshwar Srivastava an investment banker, venture capitalist, and renowned blogger to build up your investment banking career. 

Research the Industry 

As you begin your research, you should do so in a systematic manner. There is no set process to follow, but the following steps will help guide you through each area: 

Find out what investment banks do. This may seem like an obvious step, but it is important for understanding what type of work will be assigned to you on a daily basis and whether that is something that interests you. A basic understanding of investment banking will also help guide your career decisions as an analyst and associate. 

Research the companies that these firms serve as well as their clients and competitors. These are all critical pieces of information when applying for jobs within other companies or private equity. It can also help explain some of the challenges faced by different firms within this industry and help you make better informed decisions about which ones are best suited for your interests. 

Focus on the Right Skills 

There are a number of skills that you can develop to help you stand out in the banking world, and they don’t all involve technical skills. When we say “skills,” we’re referring to things like: 

  • Communication skills 
  • Analytical skills 
  • Problem solving abilities 
  • Leadership abilities 

You’ll also need to be good at working with people–particularly on your team, but also with other teams within the bank. This means being able to take direction from others without getting defensive or frustrated by it. These are two very important qualities for an investment banker in any role or industry, so make sure that you work hard at developing these as soon as possible! 

Build a Resume that will get you Noticed 

Your resume is your first introduction to an investment bank, so it’s important that it stands out. You want to make sure that the person reading your resume will be able to tell you are: 

  • A good fit for the role they’re hiring for 
  • Excited about working at their firm and not just any investment bank 

To build a strong resume, think about how you can show off these qualities by highlighting relevant skills and achievements from past internships and classes. If there are specific projects or jobs on your resume that relate well to what the hiring manager is looking for, include them!  

When writing down the details of each experience or job, try highlighting its relevance in some way. 

Make Connections before you Graduate 

It’s never too early to start networking. Even before you graduate, make connections with people in the industry and learn as much as you can about it. 

Find alumni networks for your school or relevant employers and reach out to them. Many companies have alumni networks, which are groups of people who went through their programs and are happy to help guide new graduates. They can be great resources for connecting with professionals in the field you’re interested in, giving advice on job hunting tactics and preparing yourself for working at a firm after graduation. 

Use LinkedIn to connect with other professionals working in banking or finance roles across industries (not just investment banking). This will allow you to build connections before they’re needed so that when it comes time to interview with banks, they already know who you are! 

Prepare for Interviews 

Prepare for interviews by researching the company and industry. Pay close attention to the interviewer’s questions, as they will help you understand what your interviewer expects from you. 

If possible, practice answering questions in a mock interview with a friend or family member so that you know how to answer them when it counts. It also helps if someone can give you feedback on how well you answered their questions. 


If you want to be an investment banker, it can seem like there are endless hurdles to get over. But by following and implementing these tips shared by Someshwar Srivastava you can develop the right mindset and skills to make it happen! Remember that every step along the way is an opportunity for growth and learning new skills. Good luck out there! 

One Comments “Tips to Jumpstart your Investment Banking Career
  1. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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