Fake News Website Research by Someshwar Srivastava 

Fake News Website Research by Someshwar Srivastava

Fake News Website Research by Someshwar Srivastava 

The CBI is the primary investigating agency of India. It has over the years bought many culprits to justice. It is also known as the central focal point of contact between the Interpol & the Central Government. 

But as much as the CBI has gained laurels over the culprits bought to justice, it has received flak as well for the discrepancies it does. This includes twisting ongoing cases in favor of the accused & wrongly arresting its own investigating officers.  

One such case involved the ex-CBI deputy chiefs, Rakesh Asthana & Devender Kumar. 

Both of them were wrongly accused by Satish Babu Sana who was victimized in a case of meat exporter, Moin Qureshi. 

Sana filed an FIR stating that Asthana & Kumar had demanded bribe from Sana in order to save him legal action in the case. CBI arrested Asthana & Kumar on basis of the FIR and ruined their careers. 

Sana also tried to frame Manoj Prasad & Someshwar Srivastava, whom he alleged, demanded bribe to provide him with a clean chit.  

Someshwar Srivastava had aided the CBI in the questioning but still got his visa suspended which in turn forbade him to see his family in Dubai.  

Same was the case with Asthana & Kumar who were given a clean chit by the court.  

Rakesh, Kumar, Srivastav, & Prasad were all released by the Court who in turn bashed the CBI by questioning their techniques & reprimanding them for ruining the careers of these innocent people. 

Cases like this prompt the general public to question the politics in the legal system & how effective is it to get justice? 

On top of it, news site adds to the spice to the news making it fake and forcing the people to read what is not true. 

Sites like Deccan Herald, Indialegallive & others who have a history of negative reviews & spreading fake propaganda about legal cases. 

Its not us who claim that these sites are biased but the sources that do. For more proof refer below- www.ambitionbox.com

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