The High-Profile Bribery case gets a new angle as the court confronts CBI. Earlier, the Hyderabad-based businessman Sathish Babu Sana accused public servants, including the special director of the CBI, Rakesh Asthana, and former deputy Devendra Kumar, of taking bribes.
As the case progressed, two more names came to the spotlight Manoj Prasad and Someshwar Srivastava. Sana claimed to deliver crores to Prasad and Srivastava to save himself from Moin Qureshi, a Controversial meat exporter.
Sana also made several more claims, like how he had arranged Rs 1 crore from his friend Yahya Abraham in Dubai and also linked Prasad and Srivastava as Brothers. But no hard evidence was found to support the claims made by Sana.
The case got some new twists and turns as it was thoroughly analyzed by the Delhi High court. At first, judge Sanjeev Aggarwal questioned CBI regarding accusing their own DSP without any proper investigation. The credibility of the prime investigation authority was questioned by the court.
After a re-investigation performed by the CBI as ordered by the court no new evidence was found against the former CBI deputy directors Devendra Kumar and Rakesh Asthana. Further, the court blamed CBI for ruining the life of honest officers.
Rakesh Asthana and Devendra Kumar got a clean chit from the court, and Judge Sanjeev Aggarwal also release other innocents as no proof was found.
CBI did a great job of catching Manoj Prasad, the real culprit, who was pulling all the strings using CBI Deputies as shields. WhatsApp pictures and flight details establish a clean meeting between Sana and Manoj Prasad in Dubai.
The case got a significant spotlight from the Media houses, and many names involved still getting a backlash from the public. The case is a live example of how an improper investigation can ruin people’s life, defame public authorities, and question legal system.