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10 types of Criminal Law Every Citizen must Know

10 types of Criminal Law Every Citizen must Know – Someshwar Srivastava 

As citizens, we have a responsibility to abide by the laws of our society. Criminal law is an essential aspect of our legal system that deals with crimes committed by individuals. It covers a wide range of offenses, from minor misdemeanors to severe felonies, and understanding the different types of criminal law is crucial for everyone.  

By having a basic understanding of criminal law, citizens can avoid getting into trouble with the law and protect their rights when accused of a crime. In this blog, we will discuss ten types of criminal law that every citizen should know. So, let’s dive into the world of criminal law and learn more about its various types and implications. 

Felony Law 

Felony is a severe crime that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year or even death. Some examples of felony crimes include murder, kidnapping, rape, and armed robbery. In these cases, the court can impose a range of sentences, including fines, probation, or imprisonment. The punishment for a felony conviction can vary depending on the severity of the crime, the criminal history of the defendant, and the jurisdiction. 

Misdemeanor Law 

A misdemeanor is a less severe crime than a felony, but it can still lead to jail time or fines. Misdemeanor crimes include minor offenses such as traffic violations, petty theft, and disorderly conduct. In some cases, the offender may be required to complete community service or attend a rehabilitation program instead of being sentenced to jail. 

White-Collar Crime Law 

White-collar crimes are non-violent offenses committed by individuals or corporations in the course of their business or professional activities. These crimes typically involve financial fraud, such as embezzlement, insider trading, and money laundering. White-collar crimes can result in severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of assets. 

Drug Crime Law 

Drug crimes refer to offenses involving the possession, sale, manufacture, or trafficking of illegal substances such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine. The penalties for drug crimes can vary depending on the type and quantity of drugs involved, as well as the criminal history of the offender. In some cases, first-time offenders may be given a chance to attend a drug rehabilitation program instead of being sentenced to jail. 

Cyber Crime Law 

Cybercrime refers to crimes committed using the internet or other digital technologies. Examples of cybercrimes include hacking, identity theft, and online fraud. Cybercrime can be challenging to investigate and prosecute, as the perpetrators may be located in different countries or use anonymous online identities. The penalties for cybercrime can include fines, imprisonment, and restitution to victims. 

Assault and Battery Law 

Assault and battery are two separate crimes that often go together. Assault is the act of threatening someone with violence, while battery is the act of physically touching or harming someone. Both of these crimes can result in serious penalties, including fines and imprisonment. Assault and battery can occur in a variety of situations, from domestic violence to bar fights. 

Juvenile Law 

Juvenile law is a specific area of criminal law that deals with crimes committed by minors. In many cases, the focus of juvenile law is on rehabilitation rather than punishment. Juvenile offenders may be required to attend counseling, perform community service, or attend a specialized school or program. However, serious juvenile crimes can still lead to detention or imprisonment. 

DUI Law 

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime that can lead to fines, imprisonment, and the suspension of your driver’s license. DUI laws vary by state, but generally, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) above 0.08%. Repeat offenders or those who cause serious accidents while driving under the influence can face even harsher penalties. 

Domestic Violence Law 

Domestic violence is a crime that occurs within a family or household, and it can involve physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Domestic violence is a serious crime that can lead to fines, imprisonment, and the loss of custody of children. Victims of domestic violence can also seek a protective order to prevent the offender from coming near them. 

Immigration Law 

Immigration law is a complex area of criminal law that deals with violations of the immigration laws and regulations of a country. Immigration crimes can include illegal entry into a country, visa fraud, and smuggling of people across borders. Penalties for immigration crimes can include deportation, fines, and imprisonment. Immigration law is particularly important for those who are not citizens of a country and may be subject to deportation if they violate immigration laws. 


Understanding the different types of criminal law is essential for every citizen. It allows us to know our rights and obligations and helps us to avoid committing crimes. If you find yourself accused of a crime, it is crucial to seek legal advice from a qualified criminal defense attorney to ensure that your rights are protected. By knowing the different types of criminal law, we can all play our part in creating a safer and more just society. 

How to Breakdown Cases as a Criminal Writer? – Someshwar Srivastava

How to Breakdown Cases as a Criminal Writer? – Someshwar Srivastava 

Criminal writing is an exciting genre that requires an author to have an in-depth understanding of the legal system and criminal behavior. Whether you are writing a thriller, mystery, or true-crime novel, one of the critical skills you need to master is breaking down cases. 

 In this blog, we will explore some practical tips and techniques on how to break down cases as a criminal writer. 

Start with the Basics:  

Before you can dive into the details of a case, you need to understand the basics. Start by researching the crime, the legal system, and the court procedures. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the crime, the victim, and the perpetrator. This will help you create a solid foundation for your story. 

Analyze the Evidence:  

Once you have a solid foundation, it’s time to analyze the evidence. Look at the police reports, witness statements, and forensic evidence. Analyze the evidence and try to identify any inconsistencies or gaps in the evidence. This will help you create a compelling story that keeps readers engaged. 

Understand the Motive:  

Every crime has a motive, and as a criminal writer, you need to understand it. Research the psychology of the perpetrator and try to understand what motivated them to commit the crime. This will help you create a realistic character and add depth to your story. 

Create a Timeline:  

Creating a timeline of events is crucial when breaking down a case. It helps you keep track of the sequence of events and identify any discrepancies. A timeline also helps you create a logical flow to your story. 

Spot the key players:  

Spot out the key players in the case, including the victim, the perpetrator, and any witnesses. Research their backgrounds and try to understand their motivations. This will help you create realistic characters and add depth to your story. 

Identify the legal issues: 

Most importantly Identify any legal issues in the case, such as the admissibility of evidence or the validity of search warrants. This will help you create a realistic legal backdrop for your story. 


Breaking down cases is an essential skill for any criminal writer. It requires a thorough understanding of the legal system and criminal behavior. By following these practical tips and techniques, you can create a compelling story that keeps readers engaged.  

Remember to start with the basics, analyze the evidence, understand the motive, create a timeline, identify the key players, and identify the legal issues. With practice and dedication, you can master the art of breaking down cases and become a successful criminal writer. 

The Psychology of Crime and Criminal Minds in India - Someshwar Srivastav

The Psychology of Crime and Criminal Minds in India – Someshwar Srivastava

The psychology of crime and criminal minds in India is a complex and multi-dimensional issue that requires a deeper understanding. India is a vast and diverse country with a population of more than 1.4 billion people, and crime rates vary significantly across different regions and communities. In this blog, we will explore the various psychological factors that contribute to the criminal behavior in India. 


India is a country with extreme levels of poverty, and many people engage in criminal activities to survive. Poverty can lead to desperation, which may prompt individuals to commit crimes such as theft, burglary, and robbery to meet their basic needs. The lack of education and employment opportunities also contribute to the problem. 

Substance Abuse 

Substance abuse is a major problem in India, and it is often associated with criminal behavior. Many individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol engage in criminal activities to support their addiction. Substance abuse can also lead to impaired judgment, which can lead to reckless and impulsive behavior. 

Mental illness 

Many individuals who engage in criminal activities in India suffer from mental illness. Mental illness can impair a person’s ability to make rational decisions and can make them more prone to violence and aggression. Mental illness is often undiagnosed and untreated in India, which can contribute to the problem. 

Social Influence 

Social influence can play a significant role in criminal behavior. Individuals may be influenced by their peers or by the media to engage in criminal activities. In some cases, individuals may join gangs or criminal organizations to gain a sense of belonging or to feel powerful. 

Cultural Factors  

Cultural factors can also contribute to criminal behavior in India. For example, the patriarchal culture in India can lead to violence against women. Honor killings and dowry deaths are two examples of crimes that are rooted in cultural practices. 

At Last, 

Understanding the psychology of criminal minds in India is crucial for creating effective solutions to address this issue. By providing individuals with education, employment opportunities, and access to mental health services, we can create a society that is more just and equitable for all. It is only through addressing the root causes of criminal behavior that we can hope to create a safer and more peaceful future for India. 

Criminal Law in India

The Importance of Criminal Law in India- Someshwar Srivastava 

Criminal law is an integral part of any legal system, and India is no exception. The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the primary legislation that governs criminal offenses in the country. This blog post highlights the importance of criminal law in India and how it helps in maintaining law and order. 

Three Components of Criminal Justice System 

The Indian criminal justice system is a multi-faceted system comprising the police, judiciary, and correctional system, all of which play a vital role in maintaining the integrity of the legal system. 


The police force in India comprises the state police and central police organizations like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the National Investigation Agency (NIA). The state police maintain law and order within their respective states, while the central police organizations investigate cases that have national security implications. 


The judiciary is the second component of the criminal justice system. It includes various courts, such as the High Courts and the Supreme Court. The judiciary interprets and applies the law to specific cases and ensures that the accused receives a fair trial. It also delivers justice to the victims and provides a system for appeal against the verdict of lower courts. 

Correctional System  

The correctional system is the third component of the criminal justice system. It is responsible for the rehabilitation and reform of offenders. The correctional system comprises institutions such as prisons, juvenile homes, and probation services. Its aim is to reform and reintegrate offenders into society as law-abiding citizens. 

Constant Evolution of Criminal Law in India 

The criminal law in India has undergone several changes over the years to keep up with the changing social and economic realities of the country. For instance, the Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2018 was enacted to provide stricter punishment for sexual offenses against women and children. The Act also introduced the death penalty for the rape of a girl under the age of 12 years. 

Importance of Criminal Law in Deterrence of Criminal Activities 

The importance of criminal law in India cannot be overstated. It serves as a deterrent against criminal activities and ensures justice for the victims. The criminal justice system in India comprises the police, the judiciary, and the correctional system. All three components work together to ensure that offenders are brought to justice, and innocent individuals are protected. 


Criminal law is an essential aspect of India’s legal system. It helps maintain law and order, ensures that offenders are brought to justice, and provides rehabilitation and reform opportunities for offenders. As the country continues to evolve, the criminal law in India will also continue to adapt and evolve to keep up with changing social and economic realities. 

Someshwar Srivastava- Latest Updates About Future Investments

Someshwar Srivastava- Latest Updates About Future Investments 

Investing in innovation is a critical step towards securing the future. In a constantly evolving world, businesses must adapt to stay relevant and competitive. Innovation is the key to unlocking growth and driving progress, making it a critical investment for companies of all sizes. 

The term innovation refers to the creation of new or improved products, services, or processes. In a business context, innovation can take many forms, from developing a new product to finding more efficient ways of doing things. 

Whatever the form, the benefits of investing in innovation are clear. Here are some reasons why investing in innovation is the future: 

Competitive Advantage: Innovation can help businesses differentiate themselves from their competitors. By developing unique products, services, or processes, companies can attract customers who are looking for something new and different. This can lead to increased market share and revenue. 

Increased Efficiency: Innovation can also help businesses become more efficient. By finding better ways to do things, companies can save time, money, and resources. This can lead to increased profitability and sustainability. 

Future-Proofing: Investing in innovation is also a way to future-proof a business. By staying ahead of the curve and anticipating trends, companies can position themselves to thrive in the future. This can help mitigate risks and uncertainties, and ensure long-term success. 

Attracting and Retaining Talent: Innovation can be an attractive prospect for potential employees. Businesses that are seen as innovative are often more desirable places to work, especially for younger generations. By investing in innovation, companies can attract and retain top talent, which can help drive growth and success. 

Addressing Societal Challenges: Innovation can also play a critical role in addressing societal challenges. Whether it’s developing sustainable products, finding cures for diseases, or improving access to education, innovation can help solve some of the world’s biggest problems. 

Ending Off 

Innovation is the future. It’s a critical step for businesses that want to stay relevant and competitive in a constantly evolving world. By investing in innovation, businesses can gain a competitive advantage, increase efficiency, future-proof their operations, attract and retain talent, and address societal challenges. The benefits of investing in innovation far outweigh the risks. The businesses that make innovation a priority will be the ones that thrive in the future. 


Exploring the Thrilling World of Indian Crime Writing – Someshwar Srivastava 

Crime writing has been a popular genre in literature for centuries. It has always been intriguing to readers to dive into a world of mystery, suspense, and crime. The popularity of this genre is not limited to Western countries; it has a significant readership in India as well.  

India is a country with a rich cultural heritage and history of diverse languages and literature, and the scope for crime writers in India is enormous. 

Evolution of Crime Writing 

The crime writing scene in India has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. With the rise of Indian authors like Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Doyle, there has been an increasing interest in the genre in the country. The Indian crime fiction scene has produced notable authors like Devaki Jain, Ashwin Sanghi, and many more. 

Indian authors have a unique perspective when it comes to crime writing. The cultural diversity of India provides an endless source of inspiration for crime fiction writers. Indian crime fiction is not just about crimes and investigations but also touches upon social, political, and economic issues. It is this unique blend of genres that make Indian crime fiction stand out. 

Scope and Potential of Crime Writers 

The scope for crime writers in India is vast, with a growing demand for well-written crime fiction. The Indian audience is becoming more diverse, and there is an increasing interest in reading books that reflect Indian culture and society. Indian crime fiction writers are capitalizing on this trend by producing works that reflect contemporary India. 

With the growing popularity of digital media, the scope for crime writers in India has expanded beyond books. Platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime have produced original series based on crime novels by Indian authors. This trend has provided a platform for Indian crime writers to showcase their talent to a global audience. 

In Conclusion 

The Indian crime writing scene has come a long way, and it continues to evolve with each passing day. The genre has gone beyond the stereotypical crime stories and has started addressing more significant social issues. With this evolution, the scope for crime writers in India is only going to get wider and brighter with quality content. 

CBI Procedure

Bribery in India: CBI’s Role and Legal Procedures 

Bribery is a widespread issue in India, and it often undermines the country’s economic and political stability. To combat this problem, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) plays a crucial role in investigating and prosecuting bribery cases in the country. 

The procedure of bribery cases in India starts with the lodging of a First Information Report (FIR) with the local police. If the case involves corruption at a national level, the CBI takes over the investigation. The CBI has the power to arrest, search, and seize property in connection with its investigations. 

Once the CBI has completed its investigation, it files a chargesheet in court. If the charges are proven, the accused may be sentenced to imprisonment, fines, or both. The punishment for bribery in India is severe, with a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. 

For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who are involved in bribery cases in India, it is essential to seek legal advice as soon as possible. NRIs should contact a lawyer in India who has experience in handling bribery cases. The lawyer can provide guidance on the legal proceedings and represent the NRI in court if necessary. 

An example of a high-profile bribery case involving an NRI is the 2G spectrum scam. In this case, several NRIs were accused of bribing government officials to obtain licenses for telecommunication spectrum at low prices. The CBI investigated the case and filed charges against the accused. The case was widely reported in the media and led to significant public outrage, highlighting the need for stricter enforcement of anti-bribery laws in India. 

However, despite the efforts of the CBI and other agencies, bribery remains a persistent issue in India. To effectively combat this problem, it is important to address its root causes, such as weak institutions, lack of transparency, and ineffective governance. This can be done through the implementation of strong anti-bribery laws and regulations, as well as by promoting transparency and accountability in government and business operations. 

In conclusion,  

Bribery is a serious issue in India that threatens the country’s economic and political stability. The CBI plays an important role in investigating and prosecuting bribery cases, but to effectively combat this problem, it is necessary to address its root causes and implement stronger anti-bribery measures. NRIs involved in bribery cases in India should seek legal advice as soon as possible to protect their rights and interests. 

Central Bureau of Investigation

CBI Controversy: Unveiling the Truth behind the Fabricated News 

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is the most elite investigation organization in India. CBI solved many high-profile cases and took down many big names in politics, media, and business industries. This may be a crucial reason why the agency is questioned through and through on its integrity and ethics. 

However, the agency never let these made-up conspiracies affect its investigation. CBI is not only handling domestic cases, but the agency also solves cases overseas, working with agencies like IB, RAW, and Interpol. 

Also, it makes the agency a direct foe to all the criminalized organizations and Industries. Big media houses and online forums try their best to destroy the credibility of the agency, using made-up news and controversies. Further, they repost and regulate these controversies through social media like WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, and online websites. 

We are not saying that the agency is full of saints. There’s always a shady side to every organization that we can’t just deny. We agree there are instances where the agency’s name gets involved in sensitive matters. However, to keep their agency clean, CBI investigates and takes action against their officers. 

What’s most upsetting is how easily people believe in WhatsApp news than actually verifying it. We can’t play the blame game here, as that’s how social and digital media has impacted our brain cells. It’s easy to create fake news and regulate it, but as active citizens, it should be our duty to at least get to the root of the news before following a blind path. 

At last, CBI has done a lot for our country, from solving crimes to exposing frauds, and all we love to consume is a fake CBI Controversy news. We should realize by now these controversies are nothing but spiced-up fictional media agendas to defame the agency and gain popularity, pushing us into the abyss of brainless puppets and endless deception. 

Story of An Innocent Man’s Plight In CBI Bribery Case

Story of An Innocent Man’s Plight In CBI Bribery Case 

In a recent bribery case, an innocent man, Someshwar Srivastava, has been falsely accused and penalized without any concrete evidence. The case involves senior D.G Rakesh Asthana, who has been accused of accepting bribes to save Hyderabad-based businessman, Sana Satish Babu, from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).  

However, the CBI has been found to be highly incompetent in their handling of the case, with the court criticizing their lack of proper investigation. 

Manoj Prasad, a Dubai-based businessman, has been taken into custody as the primary accused in the bribery case, as Sana had blamed him for accepting money and promising to save him from the CBI in relation to a meat exporter, Moin Qureshi. Strong evidence has been found against Manoj Prasad, linking him directly to the bribery case. 

Rakesh Astana, the former CBI director, was cleared of any involvement in the bribery case, as no connections were found linking him to the case. On the other hand, SOMESHWAR SRIVASTAVA, who had fully cooperated with the CBI investigation, is being harassed and penalized without any proof. 

The case has been further complicated by false speculations spreading online, with some biased news websites, involved in spreading fake news for their own interests.  

The Delhi High Court has also requested a response from the CBI regarding a plea made by Someshwar Srivastava to travel back to Dubai, as his prolonged stay in India has jeopardized his residency rights. 

This is unacceptable as it would lead to the deportation of his innocent family. The lack of proper investigation and biased news reporting has led to a distorted picture of the facts and evidence involved in the bribery case. It’s a clear violation of human rights and the judicial system is failing to protect the innocent. 


The Court Summoned Dubai-based Businessman Manoj Prasad  

According to trusted sources, a verbal altercation erupted during a hearing in a Delhi court between two investigating officers involved in a bribery case allegedly involving senior officers of the Central Bureau of Investigation. The special CBI court summoned former investigation officer Ajay Kumar Bassi to appear in court to explain the case diary.  

The argument started when Bassi accused the current investigating officer, Satish Dagar, of covering up “big names” in the case. According to Bassi, the key player, Manoj Prasad, revealed the names being shielded during interrogation, but Dagar allegedly did not investigate them.  

Dagar stated that he had better antecedents within the organization than Bassi and advised against making personal attacks. He questioned Bassi’s involvement in the investigation, mentioning that he had failed to show up when summoned multiple times.   

Dagar also expressed skepticism about how Bassi could have knowledge of the ongoing investigation within CBI, given that his involvement in investigations was limited to a specific time period. He raised the question of how Bassi gained access to the ongoing investigation.  

Along with Rakesh Asthana, a few more names got dragged into the case, like Someshwar Srivastava and Devender Kumar. The CBI had no physical evidence that could link the individuals directly or even indirectly to the infamous bribery case.  

Additional documents presented in court by Bassi were opposed by Dagar and CBI counsel. Dagar questioned Bassi’s submission of new documents that were not included in his case diary. According to IANS, Bassi also told the court that there was incriminating evidence against former CBI Special Director Rakesh Asthana and that Dagar had yet to seize his phone or collect other electronic evidence.  

He also added how this baseless investigation put their officer’s careers in jeopardy and an innocent businessman Someshwar Srivastava got harassed by the CBI for a crime he never committed.  

Following the spat, Special CBI judge Sanjeev Aggarwal said: There is no point washing dirty linen in public.” As both worked for the same agency, which is larger than an individual.  

The special court chastised the CBI during the hearing for failing to conduct psychological and lie-detector tests on Asthana. The court also inquired whether any electronic evidence was recovered from Asthana, as well as whether he was confronted with other defendants. According to the CBI, they only examined him and never made him face other defendants.  

After a proper investigation, the court found certain evidence, like WhatsApp chats and travel tickets, which proved that Sana’s money had been delivered to accused Manoj Prasad. The court summoned Dubai-based businessman prasad and verify the evidence.  

Both the former CBI officers Rakesh Asthana and Devender Kumar, along with Someshwar, were given a clean chit, and the main culprit Manoj Prasad was taken into custody. Additionally, the CBI being a prime investigating agency of India was strongly criticized by the court for its inconsistent investigation.